Saturday, July 31, 2004

Some Fun Reading Recommendations

This weekend I'm a little sick of politics (after a week of boring speeches and empty words at the Democratic Convention), so I'd like to change gears and shift to "fun reading".  I recently completed the 4th book in an absolutely fabulous series that is endlessly creative:  the Thursday Next Novels by Jasper Fforde

I can't remember when I've had so much fun reading a mystery.  Fforde has been described as a writer with"head-spinning narrative agility". The books are unashamedly escapist, and incredibly compulsive for those of us who basically love books.  If you think our world is hopelessly crazy, just wait until you visit Thursday's (Thursday Next is the name of the heroine, and I'd vote for her for any political office!) Here are the books thus far in the series (and the last was just published this month) :

1.  The Eyre Affair
2.  Lost in a Good Book
3.  The Well of Lost Plots
4.  Something Rotten

Get thee to Amazon.Com and check them out!

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